NA ESCADA (01/02) live am 08.09.2024 „Die Ablehnung / The Rejection“

NA ESCADA is a live radio soap and the attempt to transfer soap narratives into an art space.

by Elena Friedrich and Dörte Habighorst

in collaboration with Vivien Mahler and Felix Mayer

with contributions by

Susann Arnold, Sarah Drath, Lorenz Goldstein,

Elena Victoria Pastor, Marie Alice Schulz and Natalia Tikhonova,

Die Maßnahme and Toni Montgomery a.k.a. beachboygirl

and many others


Die Ablehnung / The Rejection (S 01 / E 02)

After Claude‘s spontaneous departure, Egon feels lonely at NA ESCADA. Carl is under pressure in his new role as a jury member. The woman from the “Society For Very Good Applications” is inviting to the Sunday Saloon: 8 September, 18:00. Carl decides to go and experiences a surprise. And what about Marla?


LIVE broadcast performance


Balduinstrasse 24 / Hamburg

ON 08. September 2024


Doors open 05:30pm

live on air


!!pls ignore summerbreak – just start the PLAY Button!!





program hinterconti e.V. 2024 was founded by
Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg



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