The bone sets the tone, but the tissue is the issue
Timo Roter & David Fletcher
David Fletcher and Timo Roter, two artists that work primarily in painting
and sculpture have come together due to their mutual ongoing struggle
with the medical condition known as sinus pilonidalis.
Despite manifesting itself on a part of a body that is not easily visible
by the hosts themselves, the sinus pilonidalis has become sublimated into
the work of the artists.
In light of this the artists are going to present a series of paintings and
a large collaborative sculpture.
Vernissage: Friday, 04.10.19, 7pm
Exhibition: 05.-06.10. visits by appointment
Balduinstraße 24
20359 Hamburg
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The bone sets the tone, but the tissue is the issue – Timo Roter & David Fletcher
The bone sets the tone, but the tissue is the issue
Timo Roter & David Fletcher
David Fletcher and Timo Roter, two artists that work primarily in painting
and sculpture have come together due to their mutual ongoing struggle
with the medical condition known as sinus pilonidalis.
Despite manifesting itself on a part of a body that is not easily visible
by the hosts themselves, the sinus pilonidalis has become sublimated into
the work of the artists.
In light of this the artists are going to present a series of paintings and
a large collaborative sculpture.
Vernissage: Friday, 04.10.19, 7pm
Exhibition: 05.-06.10. visits by appointment
Balduinstraße 24
20359 Hamburg